The 12th International Summer School of Museology attracted record numbers
The International Summer School of Museology that takes place under the auspices of the Forum of Slavic Cultures and the University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, and in cooperation with the Municipality of Piran, saw its 12th edition this year. With more than 60 participants from eleven countries the focus this year was on words.
“After images took center stage last year, we decided to put a spotlight on WORDS this time. In the year marking the European Year of Cultural Heritage we highlight the role of languages as the expression of immeasurable wealth of intangible cultural heritage, and the role of words written in different forms as witnesses of tangible cultural heritage,” stressed Ms Andreja Rihter, Director of the Forum of Slavic Cultures, explaining the reason for this year’s choice of focus. The Forum, in collaboration with the University of Primorska’s Faculty of Humanities, is also the organiser of the summer school. “In museums, words are everywhere. They are there to greet visitors entering a museum, they serve to provide information to people buying tickets, guide through permanent and temporary exhibitions and collections, tell stories – individual and collective, interpret history, educate and conceive new projects, promote and spread in media, at fairs, flyers, on the internet and social networks. In short – while museums are treasure troves of objects, they are also treasure troves of words,” added Ms Rihter.
The topic and prominent experts attracted a record number of participants this year, with more than 60 arriving from eleven countries.
The 12th International Summer School of Museology