Jury justification
“This site of great cultural and natural importance is a unique, geographically and historically incomparable landmark in the country – a site of great heritage value and natural beauty, with historic structures, mountains, a lake and an island, bearing witness to its past and present. One of the most outstanding monuments in the area, considered as national heritage and a symbol of identity, which has been widely appreciated, recognised and promoted, is the ancient castle with its preserved walls, chapel and other historical footprints. It stands majestically on a cliff high above the lake, offering a magnificent view of the surrounding mountains, the resort and the lake. Over the years, the castle has been restored and renewed, preserving its impressive appearance. Nowadays, in addition to an important historical museum exhibition, it hosts events and offers all kinds of facilities for large numbers of school groups and people from all over the world. The sustainable care of the castle is in the hands of various state and municipal institutions, whose coordinated activities are based on responsible heritage management. This also provides for some improvements to the site and the further development of sustainable cultural tourism. This site offers a unique opportunity to experience a convergence of cultural and natural heritage, which also has been celebrated in national poetry and by numerous writers, as well as being depicted in film and painting.”