
The Together project is a collaborative effort connecting state archives of Slavic countries that promotes professional collaboration and exchange of good practices in Slavic countries and beyond.

Joint efforts and initiatives evolved into three principal activities: With the project, the FSK paves ways through history, uncovers what has been hidden and forgotten, and moves the boundaries of one’s knowledge and understanding of the contemporary world.

A Guide To Archival Records of World War I

National Archives of the Slavic countries decided to compile a guide through archival records that directly or indirectly refer to the events and the people of the WWI, either those on the front line or the ones in the hinterland.

The purpose of the Guide is to gather as much data on WWI related archival records in one place as possible, and bring such data even closer to researchers and the interested public.

Register of Slavic Archives

To meet the standards of a contemporary society modern archives combine their traditional role as memory keepers with the new role as information centres, which imply openness and accessibility to interested users of all profiles. This is why archival guides besides the overview of fonds and collections usually include general information about the institutions that hold documents and the services they provide.

International Exhibition The Women and the Great War

The international exhibition is a joint effort connecting the FSK with eight partner institutions. The archival material reveals the diverse roles of women in the Great War. For them, the war front was more than just personal; it extended to their families and society, and most importantly, carried an emancipatory charge. While the brutal war deprived women of so many things, it also brought a new freedom in their fight for women’s rights.

Coordinates of this location not found



2017 Warsaw/Poland
3rd International Conference of State Archives from Slavic countries



2016 Dubrovnik/Croatia
2nd International Conference of State Archives from Slavic countries World War I

Croatian State Archives hosted the 2nd Conference in Dubrovnik within the framework of international meeting the 2nd Croatia ICARUS days. This idea arose from the nature of these events which both aim to promote archival cooperation across borders, linking of archives with various cultural and scientific institutions, presenting archives to the community, making archival records accessible to everybody, exchanging professional knowledge, creating new projects and finding ways for realizing new ideas.



2015 Ljubljana/Slovenia
1st International Conference of State Archives from Slavic countries World War I

The first international conference Together was a step forward in efforts to build professional bonds and appear together among the professional and general public outside the borders of Slavic countries. Recently, archives have increasingly become cultural institutions that have opened their doors and allowed access to the unknown that had been hiding among the known; they have learned how to present the previously frequently hidden archive material in an open, contemporary manner.




Slavic Capitals in 2D join exhibition

The join exhibition Slavic Capitals in 2D was first integration project of the archives from the Slavic region. The exhibition was opened at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris in 2013. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue.

3x Together conference
of State Archive

The 1st international conference of State Archives from Slavic countries took place in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in 2015. It was followed by conferences in Dubrovnik (Croatia) in 2016 and in Warsaw (Poland) in 2017.

Women and the Great War

The Great War served to disrupt women’s common routines considerably. The exhibition and the catalogue bring stories how women handled the war situation through the subjects on family, charity work, refugees, personal stories, women rights and emancipation.

Tuned in to the Slavic languages

Both the exhibition and the catalogue bring all the stories in Slavic languages and English. Take a walk and check out while viewing the virtual exhibition or browse and read the catalogue found in our online library.

Exhibition at the
Unesco Palace in Paris

At the opening of Forum's exhibition Women and the Great War at the UNESCO headquarters Saniye Gülser Corat, Director of the Division for Gender Equality at UNESCO stressed that the exhibition reflected UNESCO's mission of promoting gender equality and a stronger role of women in modern society.

On the IWW

At the 1st International conference of State Archives from Slavic countries the Together project partners presented the Archives and their archivals fonds and collections on the IWW theme.

On Tour


Paris/France: UNESCO Palace

The opening ceremony took place in cooperation with the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Slovenia to UNESCO at the UNESCO palace in Paris, at the same time as the session of the UNESCO Executive Board. The 70 visitors were addressed by Andreja Rihter, Director of the Forum of Slavic Cultures, H.E. Andrej Slapničar, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, and Saniye Gülser Corat, Director for Gender Equality at UNESCO. Within the week the exhibition was visited by 10,000 visitors.


Forum of Slavic Cultures returns to UNESCO

The international foundation Forum of Slavic Cultures in collaboration with partner institutions put on the exhibition Women and the Great War. The opening ceremony took place in cooperation with Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Slovenia to UNESCO at the UNESCO palace in Paris. The exhibition will be on show until 15 April 2019.

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The FSK joined the first gatherings of archivists from Slavic countries since 2010, when they took place at the initiative of Peter Pavel Klasinc. The meetings took place in Ljubljana, Lipica and Trieste, providing archivists the opportunity to share their experience.

As it is FSK’s mission to innervate the creativity of Slavic cultures, bring together institutions and individuals, the FSK made the first step toward bringing together archives from the Slavic region in 2013 with first integration project, the joint exhibition Slavic Capitals in 2D (which opened at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris).

The Together project started in 2015 in Ljubljana (Slovenia) with the first international conference of State Archive from Slavic countries.

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