FSK Centrá

The mission of the centres is to develop international cooperation, bring the Slavic cultural heritage closer to the general public and strengthen cultural bonds between the Slavs. The centres build bridges across cultural and political borders, opening their doors to culture, education, science and development.

The FSK Centres are:
“Centres of Slavic cultures have become hubs where users, professionals and the general public come together, joined by the curious who wish to learn more about the new-age Slavs and everyone else looking for new ways towards the future.”

Radlje ob Dravi/Slovenia

Since 2014
The first centre of the Forum of Slavic Cultures was opened within the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the FSK under the common name Absolute 10!. It was opened by the Alan Bukovnik, Mayor of the Municipality of Radlje ob Dravi and Andreja Rihter, Director of the Forum of Slavic Cultures.


Moscow/Russian Federation

Since 2016
In the presence of a number of ambassadors from Slavic countries the Centre of Slavic Cultures was inaugurated in the Russian capital as a result of the co-operation of the International Foundation Forum of Slavic Cultures with its headquarters in Ljubljana and the Margarita Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature. The centre is dedicated to preserving and presenting cultural heritage of Slavic countries with books and diverse programme.

The ceremonial ribbon was cut by the Alla Manilova, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Andreja Rihter, Director of the Forum of Slavic Cultures, and Vadim Duda, Director of Rudomino Library, in the presence of Mikhail Shvydkoy, special representative of the Russian President for cultural cooperation.



Since 2018
On the day marking the 186th anniversary of the National Library of Serbia the Serbian Minister of Culture and Information Vladan Vukosavljević opened the Centre of Slavic Cultures Belgrade.

National Library of Serbia
Skerlićeva 1, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia


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FSK na rusko-srbskom kultúrnom fóre

Na pozvanie Maje Gojković, srbskej podpredsedníčky vlády, ministerky kultúry a informácií a podpredsedníčky Správnej rady FSK, a zástupkyne ministerky kultúry Ruskej federácie Oľgy Jarilovej sa Fórum slovanských kultúr zúčastnilo rusko-srbského kultúrneho fóra v Belehrade.

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FSK na pracovnej návšteve v Moskve

Predstavitelia Fóra slovanských kultúr sa počas pracovnej návštevy ruského hlavného mesta stretli so svojimi stálymi projektovými partnermi, ako aj s námestníčkou ministerky kultúry Ruskej federácie Allou Manilovou a Jevgenijom Primakovom, vedúcim federálnej agentúry Rossotrudničestvo.

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