International colloquium Piranova #2 on the “sounds” of museums
Due to the travel restrictions in the region the second colloquium organised by the International Heritage Research Centre Piranova under the auspices of the FSK took place online, and was attended by more than 40 participants from 10 countries.
As the FSK goes ahead with its programme by adapting its activities to the current situation, the international colloquium Piranova took place online this year. “Our aim was to reconnect in the new normality, lend an ear to each other and hear what we have to say, share experience, knowledge and feelings, open up the space for the flow of information and exchange of good practices, build new bridges, forge partnerships and build our presence in the international arena,” said Dr. Andreja Rihter, Director of the Forum of Slavic Cultures.
Twelve experts from seven countries prepared lectures organised under four subject-specific sections: museums during lockdown, team management and teamwork, exhibitions, objects, activities and events, and museum visitors and public.
Nikolay Nenov, Director of Rousse Regional Museum of History, presented the situation in ten Bulgarian museums during lockdown, Alenka Černelič Krošelj, Director of the Posavje Museum Brežice, talked about museum activities during and after lockdown, Neda Knežević, Director of the Museum of Yugoslavia from Serbia, presented the operation of the museum in the absence of visitors, while Miha Špiček from the Slovene Ethnographic Museum presented the Corona Humour project. Veselina Kancheva from the Bulgarian open-air museum Etar shared her experience in teamwork in emergency situations with more than 40 colloquium participants from 10 countries.
In the framework of the section exhibition, objects, activities and events, Italian sound artist Claudia Ferretti talked about the social role of sound during lockdown and explained how sound could be used as a social engine. Željka Bosnar Salihagić, Director of the Typhlological Museum in Zagreb, prepared a lecture on transparency of professional information about underrepresented and vulnerable groups in museums, and Lidia Ader, Senior Researcher at the Rimsky-Korsakov Museum Apartment, shared her experience in using music and multimedia in the museum. Dragan Cicvarić of the Serbian open-air museum Old Village Sirogojno presented the World of Music Festival and Miroslava Stesiuk from the Yaroslavl Museum Preserve, the Russian Federation, presented the rich cultural and natural heritage of Yaroslavl.
The colloquium, which offered discussions as well as lectures, concluded with lectures by Greek museologist Elie Vlachou, who presented the preliminary survey on the opening of underwater archaeological parks, and Elizaveta Fokina, Director of the State Museum-Reserve Tsaritsyno, who took the participants on a journey through the wealth of museum programmes for visitors and the public.
Subject to the analysis of the responses to this year’s edition of the colloquium the FSK will continue with this kind of international colloquia with the International Heritage Research Centre Piranova also in the future.
International colloquium Piranova #2 on the “sounds” of museums