Živa introduced to museum professionals in Croatia
Lidija Nikočević, Croatian judge for the Živa Award, presented Živa – Award for the Best Slavic Museum and Slavic Heritage Site at the general meeting of the Museum Association of Eastern Croatia.
Less than a month before the close of the Živa 2019 competition Ms Lidija Nikočević, one of the keynote speakers at the annual general meeting of the Museum Association of Eastern Croatia, presented the Živa Award for the Best Slavic Museum and Slavic Heritage Site. Applications can be sent until 15 December 2018 and, like every year, the FSC expects quite a few applications from Croatian museums. The general meeting served as the opportunity for Croatian museum professionals to obtain additional information and find out more about the application evaluation procedure.
Participants were brought up to speed on the new projects of the Vučedol Culture Museum and discussed how museums could promote heritage through joint projects.
Živa Introduced to Museum Professionals in Croatia