Working Visit in Bratislava Brings About New Connections
During her working visit to the Slovak capital, Director of the Forum of Slavic Cultures Andreja Rihter, PhD, had a meeting with Ivan Sečik, State Secretary at the Slovak Ministry of Culture. Sečik expressed his support to the Forum of Slavic Cultures and promised more active involvement of Slovak institutions and individuals in the projects of this international foundation. Among others, he proposed co-organization of the festival of Slavic films in Slovakia and hosting the FSC Programme Council session. Slovakia has participated in the 100 Slavic Novels project, part of which is also the eponymous exhibition which will be on display in the University Library in Bratislava in November. According to Silvia Stasselová, Library Director General, at least two events featuring 100 Slavic Novels writers and translators are to take place during the exhibition. Slovenian Ambassador Gregor Kozovinc assured that the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bratislava would also get involved in the project.
Working Visit in Bratislava