Fair in the Air
The FSC took the 100 Slavic Novels collection and the monograph At the Table with the Slavs to the Fair in the Air, a book fair that took place in four Slovenian cities and was organised by Ljubljana, UNESCO City of Literature Office and partners during Slovenian Book Days.
The Ljubljana venue of the Fair in the Air was the garden of the Slovenian Writers’ Society, which on this occasion hosted 30 publishers presenting their fair selection of books, including several new ones. “In the FSC we welcomed the initiative and the opportunity to once again put the 100 Slavic Novels and the world’s first monograph on Slavic culinary traditions At the Table with the Slavs on display, and spend time with one another – and books,” said Mateja Jančar, project manager at the Forum of Slavic Cultures, adding that the event was well-received by literature lovers and that similar open-air events or those under tree tops would be a welcome addition to the cultural programme also in the coming months.
Fair in the Air