Several Libraries Richer Thanks to the FSC Donations
At its 15th anniversary, the FSC made Slavic literature even more accessible, most notably its flagship 100 Slavic Novels series. It has donated books from this series to several libraries.
At the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the 100 Slavic Novels series, as part of the programme of the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum, the FSC donated as many as 200 books from the series and the FSC publishing programme to the Russian State Library. The FSC Director Andreja Rihter handed the donation, which will enrich libraries all across Russia, to Vadim Duda, Director of the Russian National Library at the opening of the exhibition.
At the occasion of the founding meeting of the Programme Board of the Women Writers Route, the FSC donated a selection of translated novels to the libraries of the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade.
The FSC is now already a traditional partner of the reading project “Contemporary Slavic Novel” organized by the Ljubljana City Library. The last edition was dedicated to Russian literature and was entitled “Along Nevsky Prospect to Vladivostok”. The FSC donated books from the 100 Slavic Novels to the most avid readers.