100 Slavic Novels
The 100 Slavic Novels series is an international literary programme promoting contemporary Slavic literature written after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The collection represents a highly successful example of literary exchange among the Slavic cultures, establishing close ties among Slavic writers, translators and readers. With a well thought-out selection of the twelve best novels from the participating countries – Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, the Russian Federation Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia – it fills a literary gap in modern Slavic literature and breathes new life into the Slavic literary world.
100 Slavic Novels is much more than just a literary series, it is a project that brings together authors, translators and literary professionals, and is dedicated to their presentation and promotion.
“The initiators of the 100 Slavic Novels collection only hoped that it would not be another stillborn idea. We were aware that the Slavic world was fragmented enough, if not even split, that even the best of ideas could be shattered on the rocks of reality. We were driven by the belief that, despite all the differences, we belong to the same identity circle and that we therefore have something to say to each other. Among various literary expressions, we chose the novel. This literary genre at least in the traditional sense, articulates the totality of the world. We wanted to find out more about each other through the novels. We spent the years after the fall of communism in a kind of mutual ignorance as if ashamed of the poverty of our nephews and ourselves. Nowadays, Slavic novels have found their common home.”
Mitja Čander First Editor-in-Chief of 100 Slavic Novels
108 Slavic Authors in 9 Slavic Languages
The 100 Slavic Novels series published under the auspices of the Forum of Slavic Cultures makes it possible for the best narrative voices of one Slavic country to find their place on the bookshelves of the other Slavic countries. The collection brings together
- 100 published volumes – 100th book: Filio ni doma (Filio nije kod kuće) by Berta Bojetu
- 108 authors
- 108 exciting novels
- 59 translators
- 9 countries
- 7 publishing houses
Published by: Open Cultural Forum
- Drago Jančar: Podsmješljiva želja; Translated by: Miroslav Mrković
- Vlada Urošević: Divlja liga; Translated by: Nenad Vujadinović
North Macedonia
Published by: Makavej, Makedonska reč, Slovo
- Фери Лајншчек: Донесена од маглата; Translated by: Bistrica Mirkulovska
- Драган Великиќ: Руски прозорец; Translated by: Dimitar Bashevski
- Борис Акунин: Турски гамбит; Translated by: Sveto Serafimov
- Cветлана Велмар–Јанковиќ: Лагум; Translated by: Dimitar Bashevski
- Драго Јанчар: Посакување за потсмев; Translated by: Lidija Arizankovska
- Виктор Пелевин: Животот на инсектите; Translated by: Pavel Popov
- Срѓан Валјаревиќ: Kомо; Translated by: Dimitar Bashevski
- Владо Жабот: волчи ноќи; Translated by: Lidija Arizankovska
- Владимир Тасиќ: Проштален подарок; Translated by: Dimitar Bashevski
- Алексеј Слаповски: Првото второ доаѓање; Translated by: Pavel Popov
- Ласло Блашковиќ: Накитот на мадона; Translated by: Dimitar Bashevski
- Сретен Асановиђ: Патник; Translated by: Dimitar Bashevski
- Светослав Нахум: Raptus; Translated by: Paskal Gilevski
- Бора Ќосиќ: Дневникот на еден апатрид; Translated by: Dimitar Bashevski
Russian Federation
Published by: Rudomino – All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature
- Оливера Николова: Этюды об ибн Пайко. Тройной роман; Translated by: Olga Pankina
- Ладислав Баллек: Помощник. Книга о Паланке; Translated by: Natalia Zamoshkina
- Владо Жабот: Волчьи ночи; Translated by: Marianna Bershadska
- Горан Петрович: Сеансы одновременного чтения; Translated by: Larisa Savelieva
- Венко Aндоновский: Азбука для непослушных; Translated by: Olga Pankina
- Марко Сосич: Балерина, Балерина; Translated by: Julia Sozina
- Ласло Блашкович: Ожерелье Мадонны. По следам реальных событий; Translated by: Elena Sagalovich and Vasily Sokolov
- Душан Митана: Конец игры; Translated by: Nina Shulgina
- Миленко Йергович: Gloria in excelsis; Translated by: Larisa Savelieva
- Вида Огненович: Дом мертвых запахов; Translated by: Olga Saraykina
- Гоце Смилевски: Разговор со Спинозой; Translated by: Olga Pankina
- Винцент Шикула: Орнамент; Translated by: Ludmil Shirokovoy
Published by: Slovene Writers’ Association, Forum of Slavic Cultures
- Venko Andonovski: Azbuka za neposlušne; Translated by: Namita Subiotto
- Aleksej Ivanov: Geograf je zapil globus; Translated by: Lijana Dejak
- Aleksej Slapovski: Prvi drugi prihod; Translated by: Drago Bajt
- Dušan Kužel: Luč; Translated by: Zuzana Govednik Kraskova
- Radoslav Petković: Usoda in komentarji; Translated by: Andrej Jaklič
- Vladimir Tasić: Poslovilno darilo Concerto; Translated by: Urban Vovk
- Vlada Urošević: Divja liga; Translated by: Namita Subiotto
- Mihail Šiškin: Venerini laski; Translated by: Jelka Ciglenečki
- Petre M. Andreevski: Poslednji vaščani; Translated by: Namita Subiotto
- Ilja Stogoff: mASIAfucker; Translated by: Lijana Dejak
- Dragi Mihajlovski: Pisarjeva smrt; Translated by: Namita Subiotto
- Dragan Velikić: Rusko okno; Translated by: Matej Krajnc
- Tatjana Tolstoj: Mjausk; Translated by: Urša Zabukovec
- Laslo Blašković: Madonin nakit; Translated by: Varja Balžalorsky Antić in Urban Vovk
- Olga Slavnikova: 2017; Translated by: Andreja Kalc
- Aleksandar Gatalica: Vélika vojna; Translated by: Mateja Komel Snoj
- Marina Stepnova: Lazarjeve ženske; Translated by: Borut Kraševec
- Dalibor Cvitan: Ervin in norci; Translated by: Bogdan Gradišnik
Published by: The Centre for Information on Literature
- Suzana Tratnik: Volám sa Damián; Translated by: Stanislava Repar
- Vladimir Tasić: Dar na rozlúčku; Translated by: Katarína Petríková
- Olga Slavnikova: 2017; Translated by: Zuzana Lorková, Igor Otčenáš

Aleksandar Gatalica

Vida Ognjenović

Srđan Valjarević

David Albahari

Svetislav Basara

Radoslav Petkovi

Goran Petrović
"Lucky Shot"

Vladimir Pištalo

Vladimir Tasić

Dragan Velikić

Svetlana Velmar-Janković
Published by: Arhipelag
- Гоце Смилевски: Разговор са Спинозом; Translated by: Biljana Andonovska
- Слободан Мицковић: Александар и смрт; Translated by: Slobodan Micković
- Олга Славникова: 2017; Translated by: Ljubinka Milinčić
- Алексеј Слаповски: Први други долазак; Translated by: Natalija Nenezić
- Душан Митана: Крај игре; Translated by: Zdenka Valent-Belić
- Драго Јанчар: Подсмешљива пожуда; Translated by: Milan Đorđević
- Иља Стогофф: мАСИАфуцкер; Translated by: Natalija Nenezić
- Димитар Башевски: Бунар; Translated by: Biljana Andonovska
- Јани Вирк: Последње Сергијево искушење; Translated by: Ana Ristović
- Антон Балаж: Логор посрнулих жена; Translated by: Zdenka Valent-Belić
- Дмитриј Биков: Евакуатор; Translated by: Ljubinka Milinčić
- Станислав Ракус: Ненаписани роман; Translated by: Zdenka Valent-Belić
- Драги Михајловски: Дијакова смрт; Translated by: Biljana Andonovska
- Алеш Чар: Игра анђела и шишмиша; Translated by: Ana Ristović
- Марко Сосич: Балерина, балерина; Translated by: Ana Ristović
- Павел Виликовски: Последњи коњ Помпеја; Translated by: Michal Harpan
- Винцент Шикула: Орнамент; Translated by: Zdenka Valent-Belić
- Сузана Тратник: Име ми је Дамјан; Translated by: Ana Ristović
- Људмила Улицка: Случај Кукоцки; Translated by: Neda Nikolić Bobić
- Владо Жабот: Вучје ноћи; Translated by: Ana Ristović
- Душан Кужел: Лампа; Translated by: Michal Harpan
- Фери Лаиншчек: Коју је магла донела; Translated by: Ana Ristović
- Петре М. Андреевски: Последњи сељаци; Translated by: Risto Vasilevski
- Роман Сенчин: Подручје за потапање; Translated by: Radmila Mečanin
- Венко Андоновски: Азбука за непослушне; Translated by: Miroslav Mrković
- Оливера Николова: Вежбе за ибн Пајка; Translated by: Miroslav Mrković
- Александар Кабаков: Све ћемо да поправимо; Translated by: Maja Pavlović
- Светослав Нахум: Raptus; Translated by: Elizabeta Georgiev

Dalibor Cvitan

Robert Perišić

Miljenko Jergović

Nada Gašić

Renato Baretić

Bora Ćosić

Daša Drndić

Mirko Kovač

Josip Mlakić

Olja Savičević Ivančević

Goran Tribuson

Dubravka Ugrešić
Published by: Sandorf
- Olga Slavnikova: 2017; Translated by: Ivo Alebić
- Srđan Valjarević: Komo
Nikolaj Čergine
Nikolaj Čergine
Georgij Marčuk
Oleg Ždan
Vladimir Korotkevič
Vladimir Solomaha
Aleksander Martinovič
Vladimir Gnilomiodov
Viktor Pravdin
Angel Wagenstein
Anton Donchev
Banko P. Bankov
Georgi Chatalbashev
Zdravka Evtimova
Zlatimir Kolarov
Ilia Bogdano
Dimitar Tomov
Hristo Slavov
Simeon Yanev
Nikola Indjov
Svetoslav Nahum
FSK Editorial Board

Mladen Vesković

Gojko Božović

Yulia Sozina

Tomislav Osmanli

Miroslava Vallová

Anatoly Kreidich
100 Slavic Novels exhibition at
UNESCO Headquarters in Paris
Slavic Literary Universe in St. Petersburg
10th Anniversary of 100 Slavic Novels
International meeting of
writers at Tolstoy’s estate
Slavic Garden
International PEN Meeting
100 Slavic Novels catalogue
Hear the Word – Booklet at the 10th anniversary of 100 Slavic Novels
Novi Sad/Serbia
Presentation of the 100 Slavic Novels at the book fair in the future cultural capital of Europe
St. Petersbug/Russia
At the St. Petersburg Cultural Forum 100 Slavic Novels were presented with an exhbition, round-table discussion and a book corner
Pula Croatia
Slavic Garden at the Book Fair(y) in Istria
100 Slavic Novels in the University Library

20 Years of the Forum of Slavic Cultures Celebrated with a Special Program in Serbia
The Forum of Slavic Cultures celebrated its 20th anniversary on Wednesday, November 13, with the opening of the 20 Years Together exhibition at the National Library of Serbia.

FSK na Slovenskih dnevih knjige v Mariboru
Ob 20. obletnici bo FSK znova gostoval v Mariboru, tokrat s knjigami.

International Golden Museological Programme at Villa Zlatica
The festival took place in the garden of Villa Zlatica and the Forum of Slavic Cultures. Both authors had their novels recently published in the Hundred Slavic Novels collection, with Slovenian translations of Špegavec and Četrtek.
The idea for a project that would promote Slavic literatures came about at the beginning of a new millennium. In 2006, the 100 Slavic Novels collection was born. Its first aim was to promote and popularize contemporary Slavic literatures in other Slavic languages since the cultural ties were broken after the tectonic historical changes at the end of the 20th century.
At the initial meetings of international working group, the novel was chosen as one of most popular and all-encompassing literary genres and a period was selected – the time after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The collection soon got its well-thought out minimalist and unifying design and a number of partners – publishing houses in individual countries that took care of publication and promotion.
In 2016, the 100 Slavic Novels project celebrated its 10th anniversary with a high-profile literary event in Ljubljana featuring 8 Slavic writers from 8 different countries and 6 publishers and an exhibition that was first on display at the UNESCO palace in Paris.