On the initiative of Ioan Cristescu, Director of the National Museum of Romanian Literature, and Virgil Stefano Nitulescu from the National Rural Museum of Romania, a seminar on Museums that Count in Europe took place in Bucharest. Among other things, it aimed at strengthening the links between the FSK and the EMA with experts from Romania, a country bordering on the Slavic world and where the FSK could expand its activities in the future.
The National Museum of Romanian Literature, which won the 2021 DASA Award for Innovative Approaches in Education and Communication for the Anton Pann Memorial House, hosted a seminar entitled Museums that Matter in Europe. Andreja Rihter, Director of the Forum of Slavic Cultures (FSK) and Massimo Negri, Scientific Director at the European Museums Academy (EMA) highlighted the role of museums in contemporary society in lectures and a discussion with museum directors from Bucharest. It was also an opportunity to establish links with Romanian experts, with whom we could work more closely in the future. Romania is a country bordering on the Slavic world, and the influence of the latter is clearly visible in historical events, language and customs.