The play In Agony is back at Villa Zlatica!

At the end of October, the Villa Zlatica continues to host the kammerspiel In Agony.  

The unique theatre project stages the second play of the Glembay trilogy, written in 1922 by one of Croatia’s greatest 20th-century authors Miroslav Krleža (1893–1981). The play took stage in the bourgeois Villa Zlatica in Ljubljana’s Rožna Dolina district, once the home of Ljubljana’s revered mayor Ivan Hribar (1851–1941), which offers visitors a glimpse at the life of a Slovenian bourgeois family at the beginning of the 20th century. The villa is managed by the International Foundation Forum of Slavic Cultures, which is also the co-producer of the play (with Društvo Dveh).

The inspired rendering of this classic play was the work of its exceptional cast, which included Polona Juh, Saša Tabakovič and Boris Mihalj, and subtle direction of Nina Šorak. Benjamin Zajc noted: “With subtle scenographic interventions (Sara Slivnik), the salons of the villa are transformed into the scene of a marital ordeal, with its amenities transporting us to the 1920s, the time in which the play takes place. Tine Bonča’s costumes complement the scene, seamlessly blending with the settings. Even before the story begins to unfold the stage thus creates an atmosphere of intimacy that the spectators/voyeurs breach from their chairs, discreetly arranged around the edges of rooms. /…/ Juh, Tabaković and Mihalj give a realistic, nearly naturalistic rendering of their characters, as befits both the text and the settings. Their interpretations capture the psychology of the characters that comes through in the subtext.” (Delo, 22 February 2023).



Returns in November 2023:

📌 Tuesday, October 31., at 19:00 
📌 Wednesday, November 1
, at 19:00
📌 every Sundayat 19:00 

Returns in December 2023:
📌 Sunday 310 and 17, at 19:00
📌 Tuesday, December 26, at 19:00
Returns in January 2023:
📌 every Sunday, at 19:00
📌 Thursday, January 11, at 19:00
📌 Friday, January 12
, at 19:00
📌 Saturday, January 13, at 19:00 
📌 Monday, January 15
, at 19:00
📌 Saturday, January 27, at 19:00

Info and booking:, or by phone +386 (0)8 2010 457 or +386 40 835 775.

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