
U ime FSK-a, Andreja Rihter već dugi niz godina sudjeluje kao stručnjak na festivalu. FSK je 2018. godine postao godišnji strateški partner festivala Intermuseum, kog je 1999. godine osnovalo Ministarstvo kulture Ruske Federacije. Međunarodni festival Intermuseum svake godine okuplja oko 400 ruskih i stranih muzeja, oko 3000 stručnjaka i privuče skoro 48.000 posjetitelja.
“Uvjeren sam da će suradnja ruskih kulturnih institucija i Foruma slavenskih kultura u okviru festivala Intermuseum pridonijeti učinkovitom povezivanju stručnjaka iz područja muzeologije i razvoju kulturnih veza među slavenskim zemljama.”
Vladimir R. Medinski,
v. d. ministra kulture Ruske Federacije
(za publikaciju Živa – posebno izdanje, Moskva 2018.)


Online XXII International Festival Intermuseum
Festival theme: 75th anniversary of the victory in the World War II

In the response to the pandemic situation the festival includes an interactive museum exhibition, a business programme in the format of webinars and a professional museum competition.

The FSK and partners took part in the three-day business programme that featured more than 3,000 experts from Russia and the world and also at the online exhibition. At the interactive Museum exhibition the FSK presented Slavic museums on its stand, among which many museums are dedicated to the World War II. Museums such as Brest Hero Fortress, Museum of Yugoslavia, Museum of Political History of Russia, Emigration Museum in Gdynia, Lidice Memorial, etc. are storytellers of the of the past, individual and collective memory and world history. They are key player in the preserving the remembrance of millions of people from oblivion.




Moscow/Russian Federation: XXI International festival Intermuseum
Festival theme: Dialogue Professionals

The FSK as a partner of the festival presented its activity, both with the exhibition stand and within the program for museum professionals.

At the Živa exhibition space the FSK presented the award for the best Slavic museum and heritage site, while Andreja Rihter gave a lecture on human resources in museums in the framework of the festival’s business program. She also presented Piranova – International Heritage Research Centre and participated in several expert discussions. The following members of the FSK delegation also took part in them: Massimo Negri (EMA), Željka Bosnar Salihagić, Željka Sušić and Nina Sivec (all from Typhlological Museum).




Moscow/Russian Federation: XX International festival Intermuseum

The FSK became an official partner of the Intermuseum and on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the festival Intermuseum and 5th Edition of the Živa Award, Živa booth featured the FSK with 15 museums from 6 Slavic countries, among them also winners of Živa Award special recognitions.

Andreja Rihter also gave lectures and participated in various professional events, including the round table on city museums with Blaž Peršin, Director of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, and the round table on good practices in the field of collaboration between conservation and restoration scientists and museum professionals with Jernej Hudolin, Director of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, and Ms Martina Lesar Kikelj, President of Slovenian Restoration Society.






Intermuseum 2020

FSK i partneri iz Muzeja Jugoslavije (Neda Knežević i Radovan Cukić), Muzeja Vojvodine (Vojislav Martinov) i Spomen-muzeja Batinske bitke (Nikola Gucunja) sudjelovali su i u diskusiji o muzejima koji svjedoče o Drugom svjetskom ratu.

FSK ponovno partner festivala Intermuseum

Forum slavenskih kultura drugi je put zaredom bio partner Intermuseum u Moskvi.

Intermuseum 2018

Na službenom otvaranju 20. festivala Intermuseum posjetiteljima su se obratili Olga Golodec, izaslanica premijera Ruske Federacije, Vladimir Medinski, ministar kulture Ruske Federacije, Mihail Piotrovski, direktor Muzeja Ermitaž i predsjednik Federacije muzeja u Rusiji te Andreja Rihter, ravnateljica Foruma slavenskih kultura.



Intermuseum je platforma za razmjenu iskustava, prilika za muzeje da pokažu svoja postignuća. Festival nudi stručnjacima iz muzejskog sektora više od 200 profesionalnih događaja koje organiziraju Ministarstvo kulture Ruske Federacije, ICOM Rusija, Udruženje muzeja Rusije i Zaklada Vladimir Potanin.

Festival „Intermuseum“ već dugi niz godina služi profesionalnom razvoju muzejske djelatnosti, oblikuje predstavu o tradiciji, novim trendovima, praksama i tehnologijama u radu suvremenih muzeja.

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