The Forum of Slavic Cultures took part in the Slovenian Book Days in Maribor and Ljubljana by discussing the 100th book published in the 100 Slavic Novels collection, the Serbian translation of Berta Bojetu Boeta’s novel Filio ni doma (Filio is not at Home).
This year, the 100th book in the 100 Slavic Novels collection, published in seven countries, was released – Berta Bojetu Boeta’s novel Filio ni doma in Serbian translation. The Forum of Slavic Cultures marked this important milestone with events at the Slovenian Book Days in Maribor and Ljubljana. On the stage of the Maribor Slovenian Book Days Book Fair, Zora A. Jurič and Mateja Jančar, coordinator of the 100 Slavic Novels collection, discussed the collection and the Bojetu Boeta’s novel.
On the stage in the garden of Lili Novy at the Slovene Writers’ Association, the discussion, moderated by Dr Varja Balžalorsky Antić, was attended by Serbian publisher and poet Gojko Božović, the publisher of the collection One Hundred Slavic Novels, translator and professor of Slavic studies Dr Namita Subiotto, who has translated four titles from Macedonian into Slovene as part of the collection, and historian and translator, the author’s own son, Klemen Jelinčič Boeta. Gojko Božović spoke about the beginnings of the collection, which was founded on the idea of bringing Slavic literature closer to each other through an anthology collection, an important aspect of which is a well-founded and relevant selection of works. Namita Subiotto talked about the translation of the collection and its early days in Slovenia, while Klemen Jelinčič Boeta shared a number of biographical details related to the work of Berta Bojetu Boeta. The panel then focused on the novel Filio ni doma and its reception in Serbia.
Od Hribarja do Foruma slovanskih kultur
11. maj 2021 – 31. Januar 2022
Prva občasna razstava prinaša pripoved o Hribarjevi ideji slovanstva iz 19. stoletja ter sodobnem poslanstvu FSK, ki ga ta mednarodna ustanova udejanja v 21. stoletju. Sprehoditi se je mogoče po poteh po katerih je Hribar hodil in spoznaval različnosti ter podobnosti med slovanskimi narodi, obenem pa spoznati razvoj kulturnega sodelovanja med državami, katerih prebivalci govorijo slovanske jezike.
Knjižnica FSK v gosteh pri Ivanu Hribarju
Knjižnica Foruma slovanskih kultur, ki se je naselila v delovni in študijski prostor velikega zagovornika slovanskih narodov in njihovih kultur Ivana Hribarja, ponuja dostop do pogosto še vedno neznanih ali spregledanih zakladov slovanske dediščine, kultur in literatur v vseh slovanskih in vrsti drugih jezikov.
Predvsem pa je v Hribarjevi knjižnici našla svoj dom zbirka Sto slovanskih romanov, največji mednarodni kulturni, književni in promocijski projekt slovanske literature, ki že desetletje in pol poteka pod okriljem Foruma slovanskih kultur.